Miraj Gurudev, also known as Miraj Gurudev Pammi Cinemas. Miraj Cinemas comes in the top list of movie theaters in Kanpur. It is owned by Miraj Gurudev Pammi.
The cinema is located in the Gurdev Palace Complex. It shows movies primarily in Hindi and English but sometimes in Kannada and other languages.
Movie tickets can be bought online or at the box office. The showtimes are updated regularly on their website and on various online aggregators so that you can book your tickets easily in advance.
With its comfortable seats and state-of-the-art sound and projection equipment, Miraj Cinemas provides an enjoyable movie-watching experience.
How to reach
- By Air: The Chakeri Airport is the only airport in Kanpur, which is about 16 km away from Miraj Cinemas. From here you can book a cab to reach the mall.
- By Train: The mall is just 9 km away from Kanpur Central Railway Station. From here, you can get an auto rickshaw quickly to go to the Cinemas.
- By Bus: There are many bus stations from 1 – 3 km.